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Selasa, 26 Februari 2008
Free Forex ROBOT
hi Friends now in my group I will give you a free forex robot, just visit my group at company link or just click here for more information. Not a group member? Just join now. Hurry up!! don't miss this, free forex robot just for you and your friends.
Selasa, 19 Februari 2008
How to Open your removeable disk savelly
Many virus have been spread up by using flash disk, disket, or cd (we call it removeable disk). Now I will try to explain about how they can infect your computer.
1. If you put your flash disk/disket/burn your cd at the computer that have been infected by virus, the virus will copy itself into your removeable disk.
2. when your remove your removeable disk into another computer, actually that virus cannot infected the other computer if you didn't do anything with your removeable disk (just plug in your removeable disk). But when you do something like open your removeable disk, open a file (expecially open the virus accidently), the virus will start running and infected that computer.
3. there are 2 categories of virus :
a. virus that infected your computer just if you accidently open it (it's mean that you run that virus accidently)
b. virus that infected your computer when you start exploring your removeable disk (this is the dangerous one)
4. soo to open your removeable disk savelly, first never ever double click your removeable disk to open it. use the right click to open it. then choose to scan it with your antivirus (the best and recommanded). if you don't have antivirus, choose to "explore" it or to "open" it. caution : if there is two open in the right click menu don't click at the "open" with bold letter. choose the "open" with regular letter. This is to avoid a virus with b categories.
5. to avoid the a categories, always scan the file at the removeable disk that you want to open, and then open it. if there is some stranger file that you feel you never put that file at your removeable disk, or you feel that the file is not belong to you, never try to open it althougt it have a good name that make you want to open it, it could be the virus. That the way the virus attrach it's victim to open/run it.
I think that's all guys and don't forget to turn on your firewall and antivirus friends and always update them :)
1. If you put your flash disk/disket/burn your cd at the computer that have been infected by virus, the virus will copy itself into your removeable disk.
2. when your remove your removeable disk into another computer, actually that virus cannot infected the other computer if you didn't do anything with your removeable disk (just plug in your removeable disk). But when you do something like open your removeable disk, open a file (expecially open the virus accidently), the virus will start running and infected that computer.
3. there are 2 categories of virus :
a. virus that infected your computer just if you accidently open it (it's mean that you run that virus accidently)
b. virus that infected your computer when you start exploring your removeable disk (this is the dangerous one)
4. soo to open your removeable disk savelly, first never ever double click your removeable disk to open it. use the right click to open it. then choose to scan it with your antivirus (the best and recommanded). if you don't have antivirus, choose to "explore" it or to "open" it. caution : if there is two open in the right click menu don't click at the "open" with bold letter. choose the "open" with regular letter. This is to avoid a virus with b categories.
5. to avoid the a categories, always scan the file at the removeable disk that you want to open, and then open it. if there is some stranger file that you feel you never put that file at your removeable disk, or you feel that the file is not belong to you, never try to open it althougt it have a good name that make you want to open it, it could be the virus. That the way the virus attrach it's victim to open/run it.
I think that's all guys and don't forget to turn on your firewall and antivirus friends and always update them :)
Becarefull AIDS spreads like this also
*Dear Friends, *
It's in INDIA -karnataka - Bangalore *
A 10 year old boy, had eaten pineapple about 15 days back, and fell sick,
from the day he had eaten. Later when he had his Health check done...
doctors diagnosed that he had AIDS. *
His parents couldn't believe it...Then the entire family under went a
checkup... none of them suffered from Aids. So the doctors checked again
with the boy if he had eaten out...The boy said "yes". He had pineapple
that evening. Immediately a group from Mallya hospital went to the
pineapple vendor to check.*
They found the pineapple seller had a cut on his finger while cutting the
pineapple; his blood had spread into the fruit. *
It's in INDIA -karnataka - Bangalore *
A 10 year old boy, had eaten pineapple about 15 days back, and fell sick,
from the day he had eaten. Later when he had his Health check done...
doctors diagnosed that he had AIDS. *
His parents couldn't believe it...Then the entire family under went a
checkup... none of them suffered from Aids. So the doctors checked again
with the boy if he had eaten out...The boy said "yes". He had pineapple
that evening. Immediately a group from Mallya hospital went to the
pineapple vendor to check.*
They found the pineapple seller had a cut on his finger while cutting the
pineapple; his blood had spread into the fruit. *
When they had his blood checked...the guy was suffering from AIDS...but he
himself was NOT aware. Unfortunately the boy is suffering from it now.*
Please take care while u eat on the road side (particularly tasty vada pav
& Paani Puri) and pls fwd this mail to your dear one's. *
Senin, 11 Februari 2008
Doubler Launcing
Our new forex robot, MIC Doubler, have been launced at February, 09 2008. Read its specification and see the demo account at our group. This is our Fourth th robot and we will test and running it in the FXOPEN demo account.
Now we are making the news robot. This robot do the trading by news/fundamental base. See the launcing of this robot and give your opinion about it.
Thank you for your attention,
Best Regard,
MIC Computer
Now we are making the news robot. This robot do the trading by news/fundamental base. See the launcing of this robot and give your opinion about it.
Thank you for your attention,
Best Regard,
MIC Computer
Jumat, 08 Februari 2008
MIC Computer new Product
Today we have launched our new forex robot. We are launching 3 forex robot for today. For more information you can visit our Forex Robot Group at yahoo (in the Company Link). Make sure you have yahoo id and join our group. The account tester will be show up soon. If you don't have trading account you can get your id at FXOPEN, download the software (metatrader) follow the setup instruction (don't forget to remember the folder of the software). After that you can open our demo account first ass a prove of our robot performance. If you want to order it, contact us via email or just post some message in this blog. We will guide you to install it on the metatrader folder.
Thank u.
Best Regard,
Michael ST.
Thank u.
Best Regard,
Michael ST.
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