I want to report you another HYIP scam :
Investment (http://www.a-1investment.com)
AbaloneInvestments (http://www.abaloneinvestments.com)
Abbie Hyip (http://abbiehyip.com)
AbbyGold (http://www.abbygold.com)
ABCinvest (http://www.abcinvest.biz)
ABC-Profit (http://www.abc-profit.com)
ABHYIP (http://www.abhyip.com)
ABS Invest Pro (http://www.absinvestpro.com)
ACAFund (http://www.acafund.com)
Accenture Gold Club (http://www.accenture-club.com)
AccordFinance (http://www.accordfinance.com)
Balance (http://balance-invest.com)
Balance Invest (http://www.balanceinvest.com)
Baltic Investment Club (http://www.balticinvestmentclub.com)
Bank for Ideas (http://www.bank-ideas.com)
Banking HYIP (http://bankinghyip.com)
Bank-Swiss (http://bank-swiss.com)
Basic HYIP (http://basichyip.net)
Basic Invest (http://www.basic-invest.com)
Batavia Futures (http://bataviagold.com)
BBC Venture (http://www.bbcventure.com)
BBL Forex (http://bblforex.com)
BCH Invest Club (http://www.bchinvestclub.com)
Beautiful-Invest (http://www.beautiful-invest.com)
Beneficial-HYIP (http://beneficial-hyip.com)
Ben Profit (http://benprofit.com)
Best 4 Income Ltd (http://best4income.com)
Best Choise HYIP (http://www.bestchoise.biz)
Best Earn HYIP (http://www.bestearnhyip.com)
Best Gold Game (http://www.best-gold-game.com)
Bestgoldonline (http://www.bestgoldonline.com)
Best Hourly Invest (http://besthourlyinvest.com)
Best HYIP-21 (http://www.besthyip-21.com)
Best-Hyip (http://www.best-hyip.com)
Best Invest (http://www.bestinv.net)
Best investment bank (http://www.bestinvestmentbank.com)
BestInvFund (http://www.bestinvfund.com)
Best-Profit.net (http://best-profit.net)
Best profit for u (http://www.bestprofitforu.com)
Best-profits (http://www.best-profits.net)
Bestprofitsite (http://bestprofitsite.com)
Cash Paradise (http://www.cashparadise.org)
Cash Surfers (http://www.nrg.to/cashsurfers)
cash-way (http://www.cash-way.net)
Casio Gold Club (http://www.casiogoldclub.tk)
Caso Invest (http://www.casoinvest.com)
Cavaliere Invest (http://www.cavaliere-invest.com)
Caviar Invest (http://caviarinvest.com)
cbforex.com (http://www.cbforex.com)
C&C PARTNERSHIP INV. (http://www.partnershipinvestors.com)
CCstock.com (http://www.ccstock.com)
Celebration Cash (http://www.celebrationcash.com)
Central Investment Fund (http://www.freewebs.com/cinv_fund)
Centurion Investment Fund (http://centurion-invest.com)
Century Best HYIP (http://century-best-hyip.com)
Certain Investment (http://certaininvestment.com)
Cesky Invest (http://www.cesky-invest.com)
CG Financial Ltd (http://www.cgfin.com)
Champion HYIP (http://www.championhyip.com)
Chance Hyip (http://www.chancehyip.com)
Cheap Investment (http://www.cheapinvestment.vze.com)
Cheers-profits (http://cheers-profits.com)
Chester Gold (http://www.chestergold.com)
Cheswaff Investments (http://www.cheswaff-inv.tk)
Chic HYIP (http://chichyip.com)
Chili Gold (http://www.chiligold.com)
Chimistry HYIP (http://chimistryhyip.com)
Choco-HYIP (http://www.choco-hyip.com)
ChristmasFund (http://www.christmasfund.biz)
Christmas funds (http://christmas-funds.info)
ChristmasHYIP (http://www.christmashyip.us)
CIDA Fund (http://www.cidafund.tk)
C-invest (http://www.c-invest.biz)
C-Investment (http://www.c-investment.com)
CIO Ex (http://cioex.com)
Cirity (http://cirity.com)
CityLine Investments (http://citylineinvest.com)
CJ-Invest (http://www.cj-invest.com)
Classical Golden Payments (http://www.c-g-p.biz)
Classical Investment (http://www.classicalinvestment.com)
Classic Gold (http://www.classicgold.net)
Classic Invest (http://www.classical-invest.com)
Clean Solutions (http://www.clean-solutions.biz)
Clear HYIP (http://www.clearhyip.com)
Clear-Phase (http://www.clear-phase.com)
Cleos Club (http://www.cleosclub.com)
Cleverhyip (http://www.cleverhyip.com)
Click Funds (http://click-funds.com)
Cloudwood (http://www.cloudwood.com)
CLUB BOSS (http://club-boss.com)
Club e-gold (https://www.club-e-gold.com)
Clubmoney HYIP (http://www.clubhyipmoney.com)
ClubProsperity.com (http://www.clubprosperity.com)
ClydeGroup (http://clydegroup.co.uk)
cnt-finance-group (http://cnt-finance-group.com)
Coda Emerging (http://www.codaonline.biz)
Cofferinvestment (http://cofferinvestment.com)
CoHYIP (http://cohyip.com)
ColaGold (http://www.colagold.com)
Cold Gold (http://www.coldgold.biz)
Colex Inc (http://www.colex.biz)
Colonial Trust (http://colonialtrust.net)
Combo HYIP (http://combohyip.net)
CometicGold.com (http://www.cometicgold.com)
Com HYIP (http://www.comhyip.com)
Coming Hyip (http://www.cominghyip.com)
Comodo Pips (http://www.comodopips.com)
Company 1998 (http://www.company1998.com)
Compass House Investments (http://www.compasshouseinvestments.com)
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I have decide to change the visitor map with this counter. I hope this can give us a clear picture about this blog traffic. This counter didn't record the visitor before 25/09/2009. Check the visitors counter to see the total visitors. Thank you.

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Sabtu, 07 Februari 2009
Kamis, 22 Januari 2009
Hello today I want to continue my explanation about making money online. We have talk a lot about it and we have already know how to make money online by gpt,selling goods, ads, joining affiliate programs and now I want to talk about hyip. Hyip is High Yield Investment Program, with them we can invest our money and get refund with high interest more than bank interest. How can they do that? They do that by trade your money in forex and some times in share. Althoug they can give you more interest doesn't mean you can invest all your money because 99% of them are scam. So you need to be carefull with them. To help you find out which hyip are scam or not, you can join forums and get information about them. When someone get paid from them you can invest your money and withdrawal as soon as you can and try another hyip. You can also read or ask to me using this blog about a hyip you want to join so that can help you to save your money from scammer. Well now I want to give you information about :
1 hyip that paid me
thewinterprofit.com (update 22/01/2009)
I have join them since Dec-11-2008
2 scam hyip
libertyreseveinvest.org (update 22/01/2009)
I have join them since Oct-31-2008
problem : show my withdrawal success but I didn't recieve my money. cannot contact them. Hope their admin will contact me and fix the problem and give me my money. So I can continue to recommend them to you.
1 hyip that paid me
thewinterprofit.com (update 22/01/2009)
Started Dec 2, 2008 | |
Running days | 50 |
Total accounts | 1765 |
Total deposited | $ 675,654.77 |
Total withdraw | $ 338,289.38 |
Last update Jan 21, 2009 |
2 scam hyip
libertyreseveinvest.org (update 22/01/2009)
Started Sep 18, 2008 | |
Running days | 125 |
Total accounts | 1032 |
Total deposited | $ 4,544,216.57 |
Total withdraw | $ 789,541.68 |
problem : show my withdrawal success but I didn't recieve my money. cannot contact them. Hope their admin will contact me and fix the problem and give me my money. So I can continue to recommend them to you.
Rabu, 21 Januari 2009
Update of PTC Website review
Hello today I want to give u some information about PTC who pay me and not.
PTC who pay me:
Scam PTC
I still work with this PTC
update 22/01/2009
PTC who pay me:
Scam PTC
I still work with this PTC
update 22/01/2009
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